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Counterweight goes online!

Our story

Counterweight has been at the forefront of weight loss research for over 20 years. The Counterweight programme was the first of its kind back in 2000, and since then we’ve been researching and evolving to remain the leaders in evidence based weight loss.

As our name suggests, we believe that finding a balance is what really matters when it comes to weight management. Balance is about taking a healthy approach to nutrition, looking for ways to be active, adopting a positive mindset, listening to your body and most importantly, it’s about not being too hard on yourself.

We've proven that the most effective weight management approach is one that balances the science of meal replacements with the psychology of behavioural change. Our programme incorporates both these aspects – highly nutritious, low calorie soups and shakes, coupled with expert, hands-on dietitian support.

Learning at Counterweight is for Healthcare Professionals as well as the public. We are passionate about continued education and research and hope to share it with you!

Years of Experience

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